Citizenship Test Chapter 02 Welcome to your Citizenship Test Chapter 02: Who We Are 1. Since the 1970s, what country has the majority of immigrants to Canada come from?Asian CountriesThe United StatesEnglandScotland 1 out of 28 2. Define Francophones.People who speak French as their second languagePeople who speak French as their first languageAboriginal people who speak English as their first languageAboriginal people who speak English as their second language 2 out of 28 3. Who is Marjorie Turner-Bailey?A leader in the anti-slavery networkA pioneer settlerAn olympian who is a descendant of black LoyalistsA leader in the suffrage movement 3 out of 28 4. Which is the only officially bilingual province?OntarioQuebecTo the FlagNew Brunswick 4 out of 28 5. Where do about half of the First Nation people live?On reserve landIn the Atlantic ProvincesOn the West CoastIn the Prairie Provinces 5 out of 28 6. Which of these peoples were NOT one of the founding peoples of Canada?BritishSpanishAboriginalFrench 6 out of 28 7. Where did the Acadians mainly settle in 1604?Northwest TerritoriesAll regionsMaritime provinces (today)Prairie provinces 7 out of 28 8. Population wise, which group of Aboriginals is the largest in Canada?InuitMétisAcadianFirst Nation 8 out of 28 9. The majority of Aboriginal people are?InuitAsianMétisFirst Nations 9 out of 28 10. What statement about gay and lesbian Canadians is not true?Access to civil marriage is allowedThey have equal treatment under the lawFull protection of rights is granted themCivil Marriage is not allowed 10 out of 28 11. Who are the Aboriginal peoples of Canada?The first European settlers in CanadaThe first settlers of QuebecThe first people to live in Canada.The first French settlers in Canada 11 out of 28 12. Define Anglophones.People who speak English as their second languagePeople who speak French as their first languagePeople who speak English as their first languagePeople who speak French as their second language 12 out of 28 13. The majority of the Inuit live where?In scattered communities across the ArcticIn Central CanadaIn the Prairie ProvincesIn Nova Scotia 13 out of 28 14. The majority of Francophones live in the Province of:New BrunswickManitobaOntarioQuebec 14 out of 28 15. What was Canada's original constitutional document of 1867 known as?The British North American ActThe Canadian ConstitutionThe Great Charter of FreedomsThe Canadian Magna Carta 15 out of 28 16. What recognition was given in 2006 by the House of Commons for its unique identity and culture?To the Indians that form a nation within CanadaTo all Aboriginal People that form a nation within CanadaTo English Canadians (English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish) that form a nation within CanadaTo the Quebecois that form a nation within a united Canada 16 out of 28 17. What does the word Inuit mean?The Land in the Inuktitut languageThe Language in the Inuktitut languageThe People in the Inuktitut languageThe Community in the Inuktitut language 17 out of 28 18. Poets and songwriters have hailed Canada as:The Aboriginal CountryThe Constitutional Monarchy of North Americathe Great DominionThe Great White Expanse 18 out of 28 19. What key phrase in the British North American Act of 1867 do institutions uphold a commitment to?Peace and ordered libertyLiberty and good governmentFreedom, happiness and enterprisePeace, order and good government 19 out of 28 20. The term Aboriginal peoples refers to?Indian and MétisInuit and IndianIndianIndian, Inuit, Métis 20 out of 28 21. The majority of the Métis live where?In the Prairie ProvincesIn Central CanadaIn QuebecIn the Atlantic Provinces 21 out of 28 22. Who speak the dialect known as Michif?The MétisThe Inuit and MétisThe InuitThe Inuit and First Nations 22 out of 28 23. What is Canada's largest religious affiliation?MuslimProtestantCatholicJewish 23 out of 28 24. Who are the Acadians?Descendants of the SpanishDescendants of Asian colonistsDescendants of French colonistsDescendants of the Inuit 24 out of 28 25. What is known as the Great Upheaval?When Acadians were deported during the war between Britain and FranceWhen the Aboriginals were assimilated into Canadian cultureWhen Aboriginal children were placed in residential schoolsWhen the Acadians deported the British during the war between Britain and France 25 out of 28 26. What does the term Indian refer to?All Aboriginal people who are not Inuit or MétisOnly the Inuit and MétisAll Aboriginal PeopleOnly the Inuit 26 out of 28 27. Who is John Buchan?The first Acadian settlerAn Indian trapper and traderGovernor General of Canada from 1935-1940The current Governor General 27 out of 28 28. Who are the Métis?People of Spanish ancestry, that mainly live in the prairie provincesPeople of French ancestry, that mainly live in the prairie provincesPeople of mixed Aboriginal and European ancestry, that mainly live in the prairie provincesPeople of Aboriginal, that mainly live in the prairie provinces 28 out of 28 Time is Up! Alberta Manitoba Yukon Nunavut Ontario Quebec New Brunswick British Columbia Northwest Territories Saskatchewan Prince Edward Island Newfoundland & Labrador