Newfoundland Driving Test Welcome to your Newfoundland Driving Test – Rules 01 1. Who is responsible for making sure that a passenger of 16 years of age or over is wearing a seatbelt?Any of theseThe passengerThe driverPolice patrols 1 out of 25 2. Once an infant has outgrown a rear facing car seat, they must be restrained in a forward facing car seat until they reach what weight?13 kg18 kg20 kg15 kg 2 out of 25 3. What is the permitted blood-alcohol content for a novice driver in Newfoundland?.05%.06%.01%0% 3 out of 25 4. you cannot see through the rear window. In these circumstances, how many outside mirrors are you required to have on your vehicle?3214 4 out of 25 5. The maximum fine for not wearing a seat belt properly is...?$500$1000$250$100 5 out of 25 6. When driving with a Class 5 level I (learner's) license, a driver must be accompanied by a licensed driver with how many years of driving experience in Class 5 or higher?5 years4 years3 years2 years 6 out of 25 7. Your rear signal lights must be what colour?Red or amberRed onlyRed, white or amberAmber only 7 out of 25 8. Transport Canada recommends that children should be properly restrained in the rear seats until they reach what age?14131112 8 out of 25 9. Your front signal lights must be of what colour?Amber onlyWhite or amberRed, white or amberWhite only 9 out of 25 10. The first thing to do when changing lanes is to...?Begin to accelerateTurn on your signalsCheck the traffic aheadCheck the traffic behind 10 out of 25 11. When driving on a Class 5 Level II licence, a novice driver must be accompanied if driving between the hours of...?10 PM and 5 AM9 PM and 7 AMMidnight and 5 AM11 PM and 6 AM 11 out of 25 12. Your license plate must have a white light attached which is visible from a distance of...?25 m15 m10 m20 m 12 out of 25 13. Your front signal lights must be visible from a distance of...?75 m125 m110 m90 m 13 out of 25 14. The lap belt on a seatbelt should be tight across...?The thighsThe stomachThe lower chestThe hips 14 out of 25 15. When leaving a divided highway, you should start to slow down…300 m before leavingOnce you have entered the deceleration lane500 m before leaving500 m after leaving 15 out of 25 16. How much tread depth must the tires on your vehicle have as a minimum?1 mm2.5 mm1.5 mm2 mm 16 out of 25 17. If you disobey a speed limit in a construction zone, the fine you would normally receive will be...?HalvedDoubledTrebledWaived 17 out of 25 18. If you use a handheld cellular telephone while driving in Newfoundland and Labrador, you will be fined and be given how many demerit points?4123 18 out of 25 19. Your rear signal lights must be visible from what distance?100 m250 m150 m200 m 19 out of 25 20. An infant must be properly restrained in a correctly installed infant carrier facing the rear of the vehicle until they reach what weight?7 kg10 kg8 kg9 kg 20 out of 25 21. Your taillights must be visible from what distance?50 m200 m100 m150 m 21 out of 25 22. When a vehicle is merging onto a divided highway, who has the right of way?The slower vehicleThe merging vehicleVehicles already on the highwayThe faster vehicle 22 out of 25 23. You will not be able to see a car in the next lane in your rearview mirror when...?Its front bumper is level with your rear bumperIt is 5 m behind youIts front bumper is level with your front passenger doorIts front bumper is level with your rear passenger door 23 out of 25 24. You see a car ahead of you on a divided highway about to merge. You are in the right-hand lane. You should...?Sound your horn to warn them of your presenceMove in to an outside lane if possibleSpeed up to get past them before they mergeMove to the right of your lane and be ready to pass on their right hand side 24 out of 25 25. The headlights of your motor vehicle must give off a beam of white light which will reveal another person or vehicle at what distance?150 m50 m100 m200 m 25 out of 25 Time is Up! Alberta Manitoba Yukon Nunavut Ontario Quebec Nova Scotia New Brunswick British Columbia Northwest Territories Saskatchewan Prince Edward Island Newfoundland & Labrador