Ontario G1 Practice Test Welcome to your Ontario Class 7 Practice Test Signs 02 1. School bus stop aheadWarns motorists to provide space for cyclistsBicycle crossingLane is too narrow for side-by-side driving 1 out of 30 2. Right lane ends aheadHazard close to the edge of the roadPaved surface ends aheadDo not enter 2 out of 30 3. Narrow bridge aheadDivided highway aheadDivided highway endsRoad under construction 3 out of 30 4. Drivers are not permitted to hit pedestrians on this roadCrosswalk: watch for pedestriansPedestrians not permitted on this roadPedestrians permitted 4 out of 30 5. Trans-Canada highwayOff-road facilities - HospitalOff-road facilities - HikingRecreation area ahead 5 out of 30 6. Bridge AheadPavement ends aheadIntersection aheadNarrow road ahead 6 out of 30 7. Wildlife preservation center aheadScenic view aheadCaution: Animal crossing in this areaZoo ahead 7 out of 30 8. Bicycle parkingBicycle shop aheadThis road is an official bicycle routeBicycle not allowed 8 out of 30 9. Two-way traffic aheadThe lane is only for right turnsYield the lane to oncoming trafficThe lane is only for two-way left turns 9 out of 30 10. Do not turn rightProceed in the direction of arrow onlyOne-way traffic endsTraffic may travel in one direction only 10 out of 30 11. Park in the area between the signsRestricted parking availableFree parking availableDo not park in the area between the signs 11 out of 30 12. Only right turn allowedDo not turn leftDo not turn rightDo not turn right when facing a red light at the intersection 12 out of 30 13. Flashing lights on the arrows show the direction to followRight turn onlyDo not turn rightLeft turn only 13 out of 30 14. Traffic signal aheadYou may proceed through intersection, if clearThrough traffic permittedParking is not permitted; turn around and park somewhere else 14 out of 30 15. Bicycle crossing aheadMotorcycle crossing aheadBicycle parking permittedBicycles not permitted 15 out of 30 16. Dead end street aheadStop aheadSlow moving vehicle aheadYield right-of-way 16 out of 30 17. Road curves leftHidden roadFree flowRoadway ahead that join merging traffic 17 out of 30 18. Bicycle parking permittedSnowmobile parking aheadSnowmobiles cross this roadCaution: Animal Crossing 18 out of 30 19. Maximum speedMinimum speedTraffic signal aheadUnderpass ahead 19 out of 30 20. Caution school bus crossingX intersection for school vehiclesSlow traffic on multi-lane roads must keep rightSchool crosswalk sign 20 out of 30 21. You may exit if you remain in right-hand laneSharp curves in the roadRoundabout aheadHazard close to the edge of the road 21 out of 30 22. School zone ahead; watch for children crossing and obey any crossing guards on dutyPedestrian pathway only; vehicles prohibitedPedestrians not permittedPedestrian crossing ahead 22 out of 30 23. Two-way trafficOne way trafficIntersection aheadObstruction ahead 23 out of 30 24. Large truck entrance aheadBus entrance aheadFire truck entrance aheadSchool bus entrance ahead 24 out of 30 25. Keep to the right lane except when passing on two-lane sections where climbing or passing lanes are providedThis is a pedestrian crossoverThe lane is only for two-way left turns.Road forks to the right. 25 out of 30 26. River aheadPavement is slippery when wetBump or uneven pavementThere may be water flowing over the road 26 out of 30 27. Curve rightWinding road aheadRight turn allowedRight turn only 27 out of 30 28. Railway crossing aheadTraffic control signals aheadPedestrian crossingSchool bus stop ahead 28 out of 30 29. Truck entrance on the right side of the road aheadUnderpass ahead. Take care if you are driving a tall vehicleHidden school bus stopTruck entrance on the left side of the road ahead 29 out of 30 30. Bicycle crossing aheadBicycle parking permittedMotorcycle crossing aheadBicycles not permitted 30 out of 30 Time is Up! Back To Main Manu Alberta Manitoba Yukon Nunavut Ontario Quebec Nova Scotia New Brunswick British Columbia Northwest Territories Saskatchewan Prince Edward Island Newfoundland & Labrador