Prince Edward Island Practice Test Welcome to your Prince Edward Island Learners Test - Rules 02 1. On the TransCanada and other designated highways, the maximum speed limit is...?Add description here!100 km/h70 km/h90 km/h80 km/h 1 out of 25 2. You must not make a U-turn on a highway unless you can be seen by traffic approaching from either direction within...?200 m100 m150 m50 m 2 out of 25 3. A driver behind sounds their horn, indicating that they wish to pass. You should...?Move to the left and maintain your speedHold your position and speed upMove to the right and maintain your speedMove to the right and speed up 3 out of 25 4. Traveling at highway speed, you should signal your intention to change lane or turnoff at least how far ahead?150 m100 m50 m200 m 4 out of 25 5. When driving in the city, you should signal your intention to make a turn at least how far ahead?20 m10 m40 m30 m 5 out of 25 6. The maximum speed limit in a designated school zone on Prince Edward Island is 60 km/h on school days between the hours of...?8 AM and 5 PM9 AM and 4 PM7 AM and 5 PM8 AM and 3:30 PM 6 out of 25 7. When approaching a railway crossing with the lights telling you to stop, you must stop no closer than what distance to the nearest rail?5 m125 m8 m6 m 7 out of 25 8. When stopped and waiting to make a left turn, you should have your wheels...?Any of thesePointing straight aheadPointing straight aheadPointing to the left 8 out of 25 9. You are following a motorcycle and you notice that your following distance is three seconds. You should...?Do any of these depending on conditionsIncrease your following distanceMaintain that following distanceDecrease your following distance 9 out of 25 10. Before entering a highway, the law states that you must...?Come to a complete stop in all circumstancesSlow down to less than 5 km/hSlow down to less than 10 km/hCome to a complete stop if other traffic is present 10 out of 25 11. Under normal conditions, when the rear bumper of the vehicle in front passes a fixed point, your front bumper should not reach that point for...?Two secondsOne secondThree secondsFour seconds 11 out of 25 12. You are approaching a school bus with flashing red lights activated. You must stop no less than what distance from it?10 m8 m4 m6 m 12 out of 25 13. When approaching a funeral procession, you must cut your speed to what proportion of the posted speed limit?25%10%50%75% 13 out of 25 14. On a wet or icy road, driving a car without antilock braking systems, when you want to break you should...?Pump the pedal on-offOnly apply light pressure to the brakePush the brake in as far as it will goApply heavy pressure to the brake 14 out of 25 15. When cutting back in after passing a truck, you should make sure that you can see what in your rearview mirrors?The license plateThe front wheelsThe whole front of the truckThe driver 15 out of 25 16. Rolling through a stop sign is...?Allowed if no traffic is presentIllegalAllowed if you have right-of-wayAllowed if traveling less than 5 km/h 16 out of 25 17. When you turn left, you must...?Do all of these thingsYield right-of-way to any vehicle or pedestrian in the intersectionBe in the correct laneGive a visible signal of intent 17 out of 25 18. When preparing to change lanes, you must...?Signal your intentionCheck in your rearview mirrorDo all of these thingsCheck over your shoulder 18 out of 25 19. You wish to pass a vehicle in front, which another vehicle is about to pass. You should...?Make your pass on the opposite sideFollow close behind the other vehiclePass both vehicles at onceWait until the other vehicle has fully completed its pass 19 out of 25 20. The maximum speed limit in Prince Edward Island unless otherwise posted is...?80 km/h70 km/h90 km/h100 km/h 20 out of 25 21. When two or more vehicles enter a three or four way intersection controlled by stop signs, who should yield the right-of-way?The vehicle on the leftThe vehicle closest to the intersectionThe vehicle carrying the highest speedThe vehicle on the right 21 out of 25 22. It is recommended that children do not ride in the front seat of a car until they are...?12 years old8 years old9 years old10 years old 22 out of 25 23. In urban areas on Prince Edward Island, the maximum speed limit is...?40 km/h50 km/h30 km/h60 km/h 23 out of 25 24. You may make a right turn on a red light (unless signposted otherwise) provided you have...?Yielded to other motor vehiclesCome to a complete stopDone all these thingsYielded to pedestrians 24 out of 25 25. You are approached, on a two way road, from behind by a fire department vehicle with its siren on. You must...?Pull to the right-hand curb and stopPull to the right-hand curb and slowPull to the left-hand curb and stopPull to the left-hand curb and slow 25 out of 25 Time is Up! Alberta Manitoba Yukon Nunavut Ontario Quebec Nova Scotia New Brunswick British Columbia Northwest Territories Saskatchewan Prince Edward Island Newfoundland & Labrador